Saturday March 29th 2025 @ 1800Z
Website content changes frequently, so check back often!
147.240 MHz – Ogilvie Repeater: On the air.
146.910 MHz – Duxbury Repeater: On the air.
Ogilvie-Duxbury UHF Link: Off the air.
MORA Event Calendar
MORA Saturday Breakfast – Freddie’s Restaurant [Back Room]. Next Breakfast Date to be announced.
NWS Minneapolis Skywarn Spotter Training – 7 PM Tuesday April 1st @ Fire Hall, Princeton.
MORA Potluck Training Meeting – 6 PM Thursday April 17th @ Welia Hospital, Mora. Annual HIPPA and Skywarn Net Training, Radio Room Tour.
NWS Duluth Skywarn Spotter Training – 6 PM Monday April 21st @ Grand Casino Ballroom, Hinckley
MORANET Growth Continues in 2025.
Details on these headlines and more can be found on the NEWSLETTER page.
Hello Mora Sweden From Mora Minnesota!
SK4KO – the Amateur Radio Club in Mora Sweden – has reached out to us on Facebook and likes our website. Check out their website here
From ARRL Headquarters – ARLB010: FCC Application Fees Now In Effect
The schedule of FCC amateur radio application fees are now in effect. The $35 fee applies for new licenses and renewals, and vanity call sign applications. Exceptions include upgrades and administrative changes to existing licenses such as address changes.
Additional info can be found here:
Follow the link below for information on how to update, change, or renew your Amateur Radio License:
FCC Requires Email Address Registration
Effective June 29th 2021, the Federal Communications Commission requires all licensed amateurs to register their email address with the agency. This rule was imposed in order to satisfy the agency’s ability to correspond electronically with licensees in the absence of written correspondence – which the FCC has been eliminating wherever possible. MORA will work with members to set up email addresses, and help them with email issues they may have.
Read the FCC R&O via the following link:
MORA Radio Classes
License classes are arranged as needed. Check back for updates.
MORA VE Testing
VE Exam sessions are scheduled in conjunction with our licensing classes. Check back for updates.
For details or to register, send an email to
License Renewal Information
Amateur Radio Licenses are good for ten years from the date of issue. Is your license about to expire, or are you in the “Grace Period” window?
The “Grace Period” is a two year period following the expiration date shown on your license during which you can still renew your license. You cannot legally operate while in the “Grace Period” window until the renewal becomes official in the FCC database. Once your renewal becomes official, you can resume operating.
If you wait beyond the end of the “Grace Period” window, your license and call sign will be deleted from the FCC database, and you would have to start over by taking another license exam and getting a new call sign.
CHECK THE EXPIRATION DATE ON YOUR LICENSE. If your license has expired, and two years have not passed since that date, you’re encouraged to renew your license as soon as possible before your “Grace Period” window closes. You’ve studied and passed an exam to earn your license, so don’t let your efforts go to waste!
If you need help renewing your license, contact us.
A Reminder From the FCC
As of February 2015, the Federal Communications Commission went “paperless” in order to cut expenses. This means that Amateur Radio Licenses are no longer mailed by the FCC. It also includes the R&O effective in June 2021 requiring. all Amateurs to register their email address with the agency in order to facilitate correspondence with licensees.
Click here to learn how to obtain a copy of your current license.
Did you take an Exam recently? Access the FCC Database to check your status.
Click on locations listed in this section for details.
Check MORA out at these websites:
MORA Email –
If you are an active MORA member, you should be receiving important email messages from Please check your spam or junk mail for messages from MORA and redirect them to your “IN” box.
MORA thanks the following people, organizations, and businesses for their continued support!
All of our paid members!
Kanabec Township, Ann Lake Township, Kanabec County Emergency Management, Pine County Emergency Management, Mille Lacs County Emergency Management, Kanabec Area Skywarn, Kanabec County Sheriff, Kanabec County Family Services, Ogilvie Lions, Isanti Sportsman’s Club, Kanabec County Fairgrounds, Freddie’s Restaurant, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Welia Health System – Mora, Essentia Health – Sandstone, Kanabec County Times, KCIZ-FM Radio, KBEK-FM Radio, WCMP AM/FM Radio.
Visitors Since July 15, 2021